A blog about our journey with type one diabetes


Photo Credit: Ty Pentecost Photography

My name is Jill. I am blessed with a handsome hubby and three beautiful children, Ada, Cora and Miles. My oldest was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the end of April, 2019, and this blog is to document and share our journey, and to hopefully help others on similar paths along the way. ​

I’m the one in the middle, ha!

I love the Lord, I love my family and friends, and I love to create. Everything on this site is solely mine: the logo, the writing, and everything in my shop. The process is so fulfilling for me, especially if I feel like it is doing some good in the world. I sincerely hope that my little corner of the internet can bring some awareness and empathy to those living with type 1 diabetes. 

Aaron, my sweet hubby

My husband, Aaron is truly my better half. He’s brilliant, funny, and has such a heart for people. Having a child diagnosed with a chronic and life-threatening illness can be very taxing on a marriage, but we make an amazing team. He is the best daddy and husband. Sometimes I still can’t believe he chose me.

Ada, my T1D warrior

Ada is my T1D warrior, diagnosed at just eight years old. She’s amazing; there’s just no other way to say it. She has the best parts of her daddy and I. She’s brilliant like him, and a creator like me. She loves to write, and even plans on sharing her experience from her perspective for the blog. I can’t wait for that. She’s the best big sister, loves to give gifts, and truly looks for those needing help or an extra dose of kindness. And while she’s so much more than her diagnosis, the diabetes has brought out her courage and resilience. I’m so proud of her.

Cora, my free-spirited one

My middle child, Cora, is six. She is the free spirit of the family and a little blonde beauty. She can be easily distracted by butterflies or a ladybug, yet can focus for hours on drawing a horse or princess dress. She’s a ray of sunshine and lights up the world around her always. She is kind-hearted, and forgives easily. She’s smart and works hard always. When I was pregnant with her, I just knew she was a girl and that her name was Cora; I tell her all the time that we’ve had a special connection from the beginning.

Miles, the baby of the family

Miles was our little surprise, a blessing that we weren’t smart enough to pray for, but God knew we needed. I never felt the need to experience a boy, but I am so glad I get to. At three, he’s my “little buddy” and home with me all the time. He gives the best cuddles, and I’m soaking them up since he is my last. He is not a “rough and tumble” boy, but he loves his cars. It’s the cutest thing ever when he falls asleep with a hot wheels car in each chubby little hand. He’s a tiny little guy with a big, gruff voice, and everyone thinks he’s adorable and hilarious.

Ada is the only one with type one diabetes, but it is a disease that affects the whole family. It has taught us so much as a family. I hope that sharing our journey will bless you, even if just a little.


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