A blog about our journey with type one diabetes
February 21, 2020

Are We Settled Yet?

Are we adjusting? Have we found our “new normal?” Are we settled yet? The question is asked in a lot of different ways, but essentially mean the same thing. Have things settled down so life feels normal again… have we settled into a routine? It shocked me how early this question was asked of me. Only weeks after diagnosis, everywhere we went people would ask…

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January 24, 2020

DIY Gift for a Type 1 Diabetic Child

Faith and Fingersticks had a strong start with five posts in my first month of blogging, but I have since taken a long break. My hiatus from blogging was by choice at first. December was packed with Christmas traditions that needed my attention, and Ada also got a pump in early December. The pump has been a blessing, but a huge learning curve as well…

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December 16, 2019

Preparing Family for Your Visit with a New Diabetic

We know (or can imagine) how shocking it is to come home from the hospital with a new diagnosis and all the rituals that come with it. In addition to the new pokes and prods for your child, there is also a new understanding of how different foods affect your child’s blood sugar. It’s not enough to get the ratios right, you have to consider…

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November 28, 2019


With Thanksgiving upon us and Christmas hot on its heels, it is safe to say that 2019 is coming to a close. We’re finishing the year off strong though there were days I thought we wouldn’t all survive it, and in fact, we very nearly didn’t. And while in many ways, I can’t wait to say “good riddance” to 2019 for all its hardships, I…

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